Coffeehouse Proprieters

Obviously, this site can be useful to find other local coffee houses to share your experiences with as well as to find musicians - if they don't find you first!

Any Christian coffeehouse within about a 2 hour drive that has a web site may be added as a link on this site. Please send a graphic or let me know your web site that contains a usable graphic file.

Also, if you of you would like to sponsor a weekly radio show showcasing local Christian musicians (doing edgy praise & worship), contact Scott Parker at - I am encouraging the station manager to consider this. When I lived in Seattle, the huge CCM station there would run a weekly show like that.

Lastly, if you do not have a web site, I would consider allowing local Christian coffee houses to use my DSL home server to host moderate sized sites. If you need help setting up a web site, I can also assist with that.

For additions, corrections, or comments, please contact:
